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Current Projects and Recent Publications of
Current Projects and Recent Publications of H. K. Dai
1 Current Projects
- Universal Traversal Sequences
Implementing efficient sequential and parallel algorithms for an analytical-computational method for finding tighter length lower bounds for universal traversal sequences; combinatorial problems embedded in the study of universal traversal sequences.
- Combinatorial Algorithms
Example studies include parallel algorithms for finding minimal maximum subsequences, multiple-criteria/objective selection, and data-mining algorithms.
- Index Structures
Studying space-filling indexing methods and tree index structures for multi-dimensional data.
2 Recent Publications
- Parallel/Distributed Computation
M. Toulouse, H. K. Dai, and T. G. Le. Distributed load-balancing for account-based sharded blockchains. To appear in
International Journal of Web Information Systems, 2022.
M. Toulouse, H. K. Dai, and Q. L. Nguyen. A consensus-based load-balancing algorithm for sharded blockchains.
In T. K. Dang, J. Küng, T. M. Chung, and M. Takizawa, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (13076): Future Data and Security Engineering, 8th International Conference,
FDSE 2021, Virtual Event, November 24-26, 2021 Proceedings, pages 239-259, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
H. K. Dai and M. Toulouse. Relating network-diameter and network-minimum-degree for distributed function computation.
In T. K. Dang, J. Küng, M. Takizawa, and T. M. Chung, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (12466): Future Data and Security Engineering, 7th International Conference,
FDSE 2020, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, November 25-27, 2020, Proceedings, pages 134-150, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2020.
H. K. Dai and M. Toulouse. Extremal problem with network-diameter and -minimum-degree for distributed function computation.
Springer Nature Computer Science, 1(4):236:1-236:14, July 2020.
H. K. Dai and M. Toulouse. Lower-bound study for function computation in distributed networks via vertex-eccentricity.
Springer Nature Computer Science, 1(1):10:1-10:14, January 2020.
H. K. Dai. Finding all minimal maximum subsequences in parallel.
In T. K. Dang, J. Küng, M. Takizawa, and S. H. Bui, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11814): Future Data and Security Engineering, 6th International Conference,
FDSE 2019, Nha Trang City, Vietnam, November 27-29, 2019, Proceedings, pages 165-184, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.
H. K. Dai and M. Toulouse. Lower bound on network diameter for distributed function computation.
In T. K. Dang, J. Küng, M. Takizawa, and S. H. Bui, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11814): Future Data and Security Engineering, 6th International Conference,
FDSE 2019, Nha Trang City, Vietnam, November 27-29, 2019, Proceedings, pages 239-251, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.
H. K. Dai and Z. Wang. Two parallel algorithms for finding all minimal maximum subsequences. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 104:216-243, September 2019.
H. K. Dai and M. Toulouse. Lower bound for function computation in distributed networks.
In T. K. Dang, J. Küng, R. Wagner, N. Thoai, and M. Takizawa, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11251): Future Data and Security Engineering, 5th International Conference,
FDSE 2018, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 28-30, 2018, Proceedings, pages 371-384, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2018.
H. K. Dai. Finding all minimal maximum subsequences in parallel.
10th Annual Meeting of the Asian Association for Algorithms and Computation; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, May 5 - 7, 2017.
H. K. Dai and Z. Wang. A parallel algorithm for finding all minimal maximum subsequences via random walk.
In A.-H. Dediu, E. Formenti, C. Martin-Vide, and B. Truthe, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8977): Language and Automata Theory and Applications,
9th International Conference, LATA 2015 Nice, France, March 2-6, 2015 Proceedings, pages 133-144,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
J. H. Park and H. K. Dai. Reconfigurable hardware solution to parallel prefix
computation. Journal of Supercomputing, 43(1):43-58, January 2008.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. A parallel algorithm for finding all successive minimal maximum subsequences. In J. R. Correa, A. Hevia, and M. Kiwi, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3887): LATIN 2006: Theoretical Informatics: 7th Latin American Symposium, Valdivia, Chile, March 20-24, 2006, Proceedings, pages 337-348, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
B. Cong, N. Chen, and H. K. Dai. On embeddings of neural networks onto massively parallel computer systems. Journal of Computer Science and Information Management: Special Issue on Applications of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2(4):7-13, 1999.
H. K. Dai. Deciding strictly non-blocking generalized-concentration properties with constrained network parameters. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks, pages 22-27. IEEE Computer Society, June 1999.
H. K. Dai. The complexity of deciding strictly non-blocking concentration and generalized-concentration properties. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science: Special Issue on Interconnection Networks,
8(3):237-252, 1997.
H. K. Dai. Strictly non-blocking generalized-concentrators with
constrained network parameters. In Proceedings of the Tenth
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, pages 258-262. International Society for Computers and Their Applications, October 1997.
H. K. Dai. The size complexity of strictly non-blocking fixed ratio concentrators with constant depth. In L. Bougé, P. Fraigniaud, A. Mignotte, and Y. Robert, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1123-1124): Euro-Par'96 Parallel Processing, pages 234-242, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1996.
H. K. Dai. Strictly non-blocking concentrators with full capacity. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Information Management Systems, pages 117-121. International Association of Science and Technology for Development - International Society for Mini and Microcomputers,
June 1996.
H. K. Dai. Probabilistic construction of rearrangeable concentrators. Journal of Computer and Information: Special Issue for Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computing and Information, 1(2):201-217, 1995.
H. K. Dai. An improvement in the size-depth tradeoff for strictly non-blocking generalized-concentration networks. In C. Halatsis, D. Maritsas, G. Philokyprou, and S. Theodoridis, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (817): PARLE'94 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, pages 214-225, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1994.
H. K. Dai. The complexity of deciding strictly non-blocking concentration and generalized-concentration properties with small depth. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computing and Information, pages 48-54. IEEE Computer Society, May 1993.
H. K. Dai. Size-depth tradeoff for synchronous strictly non-blocking generalized-concentrators. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computing and Information, pages 41-47. IEEE Computer Society, May 1993.
H. K. Dai. On synchronous strictly non-blocking concentrators and generalized-concentrators. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Parallel Processing Symposium, pages 406-412. IEEE Computer Society, April 1993.
H. K. Dai. A probabilistic construction of a class of interconnection networks. In Proceedings of the 25th Small College Computing Symposium, pages 16-25, Small College Computing Symposium, April 1992.
- Universal Traversal Sequences
H. K. Dai. Length lower bounds for reflecting sequences and universal traversal sequences.
Discrete Mathematics, 338(6):1042-1065, June 2015.
H. K. Dai. Optimizing a computational method for length lower bounds for reflecting sequences. In J. Wang, editor, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2108): Computing and Combinatorics, pages 228-236, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.
H. K. Dai and K. E. Flannery. Improved length lower bounds for reflecting sequences. In J.-Y. Cai and C. K. Wong, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1090): Computing and Combinatorics, pages 56-67, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1996.
K. E. Flannery, H. K. Dai, and T. E. O'Neil. Lower bounds for t-reflecting sequences: a computational approach. Journal of Computer and Information: Special Issue for Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computing and Information, 1(1):178-193, 1994
- Index Structures
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. Clustering analyses of two-Dimensional space-filling curves: Hilbert and z-rrder curves.
To appear in Springer Nature Computer Science, 2022.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. Clustering analyses of two-dimensional space-filling curves.
In T. K. Dang, J. Küng, T. M. Chung, and M. Takizawa, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (13076): Future Data and Security Engineering, 8th International Conference,
FDSE 2021, Virtual Event, November 24-26, 2021 Proceedings, pages 375-391, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. Studies of norm-based locality measures of two-dimensional Hilbert curves.
Springer Nature Computer Science, 2:403 (26 pages), August 2021.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. On norm-based locality measures of 2-dimensional discrete Hilbert curves.
In T. K. Dang, J. Küng, M. Takizawa, and T. M. Chung, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (12466): Future Data and Security Engineering, 7th International Conference,
FDSE 2020, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, November 25-27, 2020, Proceedings, pages 169-184, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2020.
H. K. Dai. On transformation-based spatial access methods with monotone norms. In T. Dang, R. Wagner, J. Küng, N. Thoai, M. Takizawa, and E. Neuhold, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (10646): Future Data and Security Engineering, 4th International Conference, FDSE 2017, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 29 - December 1, 2017, Proceedings, pages 85-100, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. Norm-based locality measures of two-dimensional Hilbert curves. In R. Dondi, G. Fertin, and G. Mauri, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9778): Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management, 11th International Conference, AAIM 2016, Bergamo, Italy, July 18-20, 2016, Proceedings, pages 14-25, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. Distance metric on multidimensional spatial objects. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, pages 52-56, June 2015.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. Clustering performance of 3-dimensional Hilbert curves. In
Q. Gu, P. Hell, and B. Yang, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8546): Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management,
10th International Conference, AAIM 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 8-11, 2014. Proceedings, pages 299-311,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
H. K. Dai, K.-Y. Whang, and H. C. Su. Locality of corner transformation for multidimensional
spatial access methods. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 212:133-148,
June 2008 (Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Foundations of Informatics,
Computing and Software).
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. On p-norm based locality measures of space-filling curves. In R. Fleischer and G. Trippen, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3341): Algorithms and Computation: 15th International Symposium, ISAAC 2004 Proceedings, pages 364-376, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. On the locality properties of space-filling curves. In T. Ibaraki, N. Katoh, and H. Ono, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2906): Algorithms and Computation: 14th International Symposium, ISAAC 2003 Proceedings, pages 385-394, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. Approximation and analytical studies of inter-clustering performances. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Discrete Random Walks (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Volume AC (2003)), pages 53-68, September 2003.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. An empirical study of p-norm based locality measures of space-filling curves. In Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pages 1434-1440. Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press, June 2003.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. Locality measures of some mesh-indexings.
In Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pages 1337-1343. Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press, June 2002.
H. C. Su and H. K. Dai. A maintenance algorithm for G+-tree index structures. In Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pages 1044-1050. Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press, June 2001.
- Combinatorial and Bioinformatic Algorithms
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. The complexity of cluster-connectivity of wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 15(3):327-348, 2019.
H. K. Dai. Episode-rule mining with minimal occurrences via first local maximization in confidence.
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology, pages 130-136. Association for Computing Machinery, December 2018.
H. K. Dai and H. C. Su. On the cluster-connectivity of wireless sensor networks. In O. Gervasi, B. Murgante, S. Misra, A. M. A. C. Rocha, C. M. Torre, D. Taniar, B. O. Apduhan, E. Stankova, and S. Wang, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9787): 16th International Conference, Beijing, China, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Part II, pages 19-33, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.
H. K. Dai and Z. Wang. Data mining of serial-episode association rules using gap-constrained minimal occurrences. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 8(3):288-305, 2013.
H. K. Dai and Z. Wang. Mining serial-episode rules using minimal occurrences with gap constraint.
In B. Murgante,
S. Misra,
M. Carlini,
C. M. Torre,
H.-Q. Nguyen,
D. Taniar,
B. O. Apduhan, and
O. Gervasi, editors,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7971): Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2013, 13th International Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, June 24-27, 2013, Proceedings, Part I, pages 562-572, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
M. K. Das and H. K. Dai. A survey of the DNA motif finding algorithms
(full paper). BioMed Central Bioinformatics, 8(Supplement 7):S21 (15 pages), November 2007.
M. K. Das and H. K. Dai. A survey of the DNA motif finding algorithms (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference of the MidSouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society. MidSouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society, February 2007.
H. K. Dai and L. Zhao. A combined approach to the identification of transcription factor binding sites in prokaryotes. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Computational Biology and Genome Informatics, pages 1217-1220. Joint Conference on Information Sciences, July 2005.
C. C. Chiang and H. K. Dai. On the minimum-cost set-covering problem. In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pages 1199-1205. Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press, June 2005.
H. K. Dai and X. Zhang. Improved linear expected-time algorithms for computing maxima. In M. Farach-Colton, editor, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2976): LATIN 2004: Theoretical Informatics: 6th Latin American Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 5-8, 2004 Proceedings, pages 181-192, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.
- Computer Networks
H. K. Dai and C.-T. Yeh. Content-based image watermarking via public-key cryptosystems. In O. Gervasi and M. L. Gavrilova, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4705): Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2007, International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 26-29, 2007. Proceedings, Part I, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
H. K. Dai and Y. Du. On the bounded-delay minimum-cost path problem of quality-of-service routing. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, IEEE ICCCN 2007, pages 384-390. IEEE Computer Society, August 2007.
H. K. Dai and C.-T. Yeh. On digital watermarking via public-key cryptosystems. In Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pages 822-828. Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press, June 2007.
H. K. Dai, Z. Li, and H. C. Su. An empirical study of bounded delay constrained bandwidth routing. In Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pages 973-979. Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press, June 2004.
H. K. Dai, A. Raju, and V. Sarangan. Routing in mobile ad hoc networks based on block decomposition. In Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pages 986-992. Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press, June 2004.
K. H. Choi and H. K. Dai. A marking scheme using Huffman codes for IP traceback. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks, pages 421-428. IEEE Computer Society, May 2004.
H. K. Dai and S. Fujino. On designing constrained local access networks. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks, pages 167-176. IEEE Computer Society, December 2000.
H. K. Dai and S. Fujino. Improving the Esau-Williams algorithm for designing local access networks. In Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pages 343-350. Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press, June 2000.
- Machine Learning
H. K. Dai and G. Wang. Mining a class of complex episodes in event sequences. In N. Megiddo, Y. Xu, and B. Zhu, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3521): Algorithmic Applications in Management: First International Conference, AAIM 2005 Proceedings, pages 460-471, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
J. Peng, D. R. Heisterkamp, and H. K. Dai. Adaptive discriminant and quasiconformal kernel nearest neighbor classification. In L. Wang, editor, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (177): Support Vector Machines: Theory and Applications, pages 181-203, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
J. Peng, D. R. Heisterkamp, and H. K. Dai. Adaptive quasiconformal kernel nearest neighbor classification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 26(5):656-661, May 2004.
J. Peng, D. R. Heisterkamp, and H. K. Dai. LDA/SVM driven nearest neighbor classification. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 14(4):940-942, 2003.
A. Auyeung, I. Gondra, and H. K. Dai. Integrating random ordering into multi-heuristic list scheduling genetic algorithm. In A. Abraham, K. Franke, and M. K·· oppen, editors, Advances in Soft Computing: Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, pages 447-458, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.
A. Auyeung, I. Gondra, and H. K. Dai. Multi-heuristic list scheduling genetic algorithm for task scheduling. In Proceedings of the 2003 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 721-724. Association for Computing Machinery, March 2003.
J. Peng, D. R. Heisterkamp, and H. K. Dai. Adaptive kernel metric nearest neighbor classification. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Volume 3, pages 33-36. International Association for Pattern Recognition, August 2002.
J. Peng, D. R. Heisterkamp, and H. K. Dai. LDA/SVM driven nearest neighbor classification. In Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Volume 1, pages 58-63. IEEE Computer Society, December 2001.
D. R. Heisterkamp, J. Peng, and H. K. Dai. Adaptive quasiconformal kernel metric for image retrieval. In Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Volume 2, pages 388-393. IEEE Computer Society, December 2001.
D. R. Heisterkamp, J. Peng, and H. K. Dai. Feature relevance learning with query shifting for content-based image retrieval. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Volume 4,
pages 250-253. International Association for Pattern Recognition, September 2000.
H. K. Dai. On structural modification learning algorithms. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, pages 2856-2862. Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press, June 1999.
J. I. Folland and H. K. Dai. Warpnet: neural network with a parabolic warp. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, pages 98-102. International Association of Science and Technology for Development - International Society for Mini and Microcomputers, October 1995.
J. I. Folland and H. K. Dai. Neural networks: survey of structural modification learning algorithms. In Proceedings of the 28th Small College Computing Symposium, pages 307-316, Small College Computing Symposium, April 1995.
- Miscellaneous
H. K. Dai and K. E. Flannery. On the reliability of the vertical and longitudinal redundancy check. In Proceedings of the 27th Small College Computing Symposium, pages 455-461, Small College Computing Symposium, April 1994.
H. K. Dai and K. E. Flannery. Ada versus Modula-2: a plan for an empirical comparison of their effectiveness in introductory computer programming courses. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual National Conference on Ada Technology, pages 129-133. U. S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, March 1994.
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